Is Everyone Capable of Success?
We live in a world where we’re constantly being “sized up” to determine whether we’re smart enough, good enough, and strong enough. Do we have what it takes for this task, this role, or this job? From the moment we start school and throughout our careers, we’re being sorted to determine if we belong in the advanced group. At work, we identify the “high potentials” as opposed to the “rank and file,” and organizations spend energy trying to locate the “top talent” while everyone else feels defeated because they weren’t picked due to test scores or mediocre performance on an assignment. Unfortunately, these selection processes determine the trajectory of many careers and are a waste of human resources. Just because someone ranks in the middle should not be a statement of who they are (it’s where they are); and just because other companies do it doesn’t mean it’s right or efficient. Do we believe that only some are capable of success—or do we believe everyone has high potential?